clue's site

mei leaf - duck sh*t oolong

rate: ★★★★★

type: oolong

style: sachet or loose leaf

this is my go-to morning tea! very good basic oolong, even tho the name is krazy

mei leaf - alishan cream

rate: ★★★★☆

type: oolong

style: sachet or loose leaf

yummy and creamy! this made me like oolong :3 tastes like a black milk tea without the milk, kinda grassy

mei leaf - amber gaba oolong

rate: ★★☆☆☆

type: oolong

style: sachet or loose leaf

less creamy oolong, and a bit fruity. not my fav but its good for when you dont wanna taste a lot :P

mei leaf - diamond peak

rate: ★☆☆☆☆

type: yellow

style: sachet or loose leaf

this one wasn't for me, i don't think i like yellow teas _(´ཀ`」 ∠) didn't taste like anything to me!!!

mei leaf - yame saemidori sencha

rate: ★☆☆☆☆

type: sencha (green)

style: sachet or loose leaf

did not like this i thought it tasted like pee!! maybe not a green tea person but i will try a different one at some point